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the Happy couple


the Bride in His words

Elyse is very creative, caring, and charismatic. Her interests span the gambit, and she has a great sense of humor, one of the many things I love about her. She brightens any room she's in, and there are sure to be laughter and smiles. She's honest and is not afraid to tell it like it is. Furthermore, Elyse is loving and fiercely looks out for those around her. She's focused, always working on a project, towards a goal, or ways to better herself. In short, how Elyse goes about life is perhaps how everyone should live. Living with someone with all these attributes and more will be a fun adventure, and I'm excited to spend my life with her.

the Groom in Her words

Kevin is one of the kindest and most social people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He puts others before himself and tries to be the best friend everyone needs. Wherever Kevin is, fun and laughter are sure to be found. His inquisitive and adventurous nature has made him see the world from an different perspective and helps approach problems for varying angles. He's also outgoing yet still manages to keep a close relationship with his family. Kevin's quirky, intelligent, and just my kind of nerdy. I am thrilled to be the one he chose to spend the rest of his life with, and I can't wait for our future together to start.


the Couple in Their words

In the fall of 2016, we bonded over anime and Miyazaki films. We found each other friendly and outgoing. Despite mutual attraction, neither of us acted on it right away. It was late 2018 that we reconnected after losing touch. Only a few weeks later, we became a couple. We both realized we wanted to marry each other around the same time. It was while Kevin’s job kept us apart for several months. As a couple, we couldn’t imagine life without each other.

We’re super nerds who care deeply about our friends and family. We love each other for our similarities and differences. Together, we balance each other’s weaknesses and complement each other’s strengths. We find each other kind, caring, and generous. While comforting each other in difficult times, we encourage one another’s growth. We can’t wait to share the rest of our lives together.





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